Official Notice # 2: First Italian boats admitted to ORC Worlds Trieste 2017

Here below the list of first Italian boats admitted to ORC Wolds Trieste  2017. 

All non Italian boats are also definitively admitted.  Admitted entries can be seen in entries page.

Italian boats not listed  here below are now in a waiting list;  final admissions will be communicated not later than  May 29th as for NOR.


Classe A:
AEREONATICA MILITARE - Vismara 46 - Giannetti Raffaele
ALTAIR 3 - Scuderia 50 - Paniccia Sandro
BARRAONDA CITTA' DI GORIZIA - Oper Frers - Provvidenti Lucio
BRAVA - Farr 49 - Pison Francesco
MARCHINGENIO - Modulo 123 - Cividin Silvio
SHEERAA YCH - Swan 42 - Poser Maurizio
VERVE-CAMER - Comet 50 Race - Greco Giuseppe
ZEROCOULD - TP52 - Falzitti Danilo

Classe B:
2R..NEL VENTO - First 40 - Reccanello Roberto
ALVAROSKY - Grand Soleil 40 RCK - Siculiana Francesco
AOI ME - J122 - Santi Piero
ATHYRIS e C - Grand Soleil 43 - Taccheo Sergio
BE WILD - Swan 42 - CSQ2 Sailing Team / Grottesi Renzo
BLUE SKY - Grand Soleil 43 BC - Terrieri Claudio
CATTIVA COMPAGNIA - Rimar 41.3 - Mucignat / Saetti / Salotti
CHARLIE VICTOR - J39 - Santi Nicoletta
DARA 3 - Sly 42 - Morelli Vittorio
DUVETICA GREY GOOSE - Arya 415 - Naibo / Valente
GIUMAT +2 - IMX 45 SD - Trusendi Flavio Enrico
HORUS - M45 - Canalaz Nadia
IL MORO DI VENEZIA XXVII - NM43 - Narduzzi Alessandro
JACK SPARROW - STREAM 40 - Gozo Alberto
KARMA - Italia Yachts 12.98 - Pegoraro Vladimiro
MORGAN IV - Grand Soleil 39 - De Gemmis Nicola
PAX TIBI - Italia Yachts 12.98 - Moro Marco / Illotti Alberto
REBEL - First 40 - Costantin Manuel
SELENE ALIFAX - Swan 42 - De Campo Massimo
SIDERACORDIS - X 41 OD - Grimani Pier Vettor

Classe C
AIRIS - M32 - Bressan Cesare
CANDIDA_MENTE - Mumm 30 - Polenta Michele
EXTREMA - X35 - Bazzini Andrea
GEEX - Vroljk 37 - Stopani Federico
LADY DAY 998 - Italia Yachts 9.98 - Annis Corrado
LOW NOISE II - Italia Yachts 9.98 - Giuffrè Giuseppe
MOXIE - X35 - Bonsignore Paolo
MUMMY ONE -LAB.MET. - Mumm 30 - Querin Alessio
NEREIS - Italia Yachts 9.98 - Basile Marco
OLALLA - First 35 - Patavini Nautae ASD / Cazzoli Fabrizio
OTTAVO PECCATO - M 37 - De Nicolo Francesco
SAGOLA 60 - J109 - Minozzi Massimo
SAGOLA BIOTRADING - Grand Soleil 37 - Fornich Peppe
SARCHIAPONE FUORISERIE - Italia Yachts 9.98 - Dubbini Gianluigi
SCUGNIZZA LUBMARINE - NM 38 S - De Blasio Vincenzo
SEASE - Farr 30 - Loro Piana Giacomo e Franco
SOUTH KENSINGTON - First 35 - Licata D'Andrea
TAKE FIVE Junior - Italia Yachts 9.98 - Dal Pont Brenno
TEAM ANDELSTANKEN - Farr 30 - Fornari Daniele
X REAL - X 35 - Servadio Federico

Latest News

SOGGETTO RICEVENTE: Yacht Club Porto San Rocco ASD – C.F. 90095960325

SOGGETTO EROGANTE: Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia – Direzione Centrale attività produttive, turismo e cooperazione

SOMMA INCASSATA: € 4.000,00 (quattromila/00)

DATA INCASSO: 08/03/2018

CAUSALE: contributo erogato nell’anno 2017 a sostegno delle spese connesse alla realizzazione dell’iniziativa “Campionato Mondiale Vela d’Altura – ORC WORLDS 2017”

Mascalzone Latino, Be Wild and Airis are ORC World Champions

In an exciting finale to a week of mostly light air sailing, overall class winners were not decided until the last race in all classes today at the ORC Worlds Trieste 2017. And the new World Champions in each class were surprises as well, none having been at the top of the leaderboard all week during the 6-day format of inshore and offshore racing.