Cantieri Navali San Rocco special offers


Only one mile away from Porto San Rocco, you can find all assistance you need for your boat at Cantieri Navali San Rocco shipyard. 

You can download the boat arriving by truck, and lauch her, or just uphaul for a fast washing of bottom.

Here you can download the special offers of Cantieri Navali San Rocco dedicated to all partecipants to ORC Worlds Trieste 2017.

Cantieri Navali San Rocco offer

Latest News

SOGGETTO RICEVENTE: Yacht Club Porto San Rocco ASD – C.F. 90095960325

SOGGETTO EROGANTE: Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia – Direzione Centrale attività produttive, turismo e cooperazione

SOMMA INCASSATA: € 4.000,00 (quattromila/00)

DATA INCASSO: 08/03/2018

CAUSALE: contributo erogato nell’anno 2017 a sostegno delle spese connesse alla realizzazione dell’iniziativa “Campionato Mondiale Vela d’Altura – ORC WORLDS 2017”

Mascalzone Latino, Be Wild and Airis are ORC World Champions

In an exciting finale to a week of mostly light air sailing, overall class winners were not decided until the last race in all classes today at the ORC Worlds Trieste 2017. And the new World Champions in each class were surprises as well, none having been at the top of the leaderboard all week during the 6-day format of inshore and offshore racing.